- May 20th: Yearbook Distribution in Advisory. If your child wants one, there are a few extra. The yearbooks will be sold first come first serve. They are $25, and check s can be made out to Karcher Middle School
- If you have questions, please email Mrs. Berezowitz (bberezowitz@basd.k12.wi.us).
Visit our Facebook Page for pictures and updates!
Upcoming Events/ Reminders:
- BHS Poms Tryouts for next year
- May 21st and May 30th in Karcher Gym 3:00-5:30 PM
- May 28th and June 4th in BHS Gym 3:00-5:30 PM
- May 22nd: 8th Grade Holocaust Museum Field Trip
- Contact Jack Schmidt (jschmidt@basd.k12.wi.us) or Steph Rummler (srummler@basd.k12.wi.us) with any questions.
- May 23rd: 7th Grade Zoo Field Trip
- Contact Barb Berezowitz (bberezowitz@basd.k12.wi.us) or Andrea Hancock (ahancock@basd.k12.wi.us) with any questions!
- May 24th: NO SCHOOL - Happy Memorial Day!
- May 28th - May 29th: Karcher Way Character Assemblies
- May 30th: NJHS UW-Madison Field Trip
- Contact Steph Rummler (srummler@basd.k12.wi.us) or Mike Jones (mjones@ basd.k12.wi.us) with any questions!
- May 31st: Cooper/ Waller Elementary Buddy Visit Day
- May 31st: 8th Grade Dance 7:00-9:00 PM @ Karcher Library
- June 4th: Karcher Choir's 20th Annual Pops Concert @ 7:00 PM in the Karcher Gym
- Students should arrive by 6:30 PM, dressed in their black and white choir outfit
- Vocal Jazz students need to be at sound check at 6:00 PM
- Doors will open to the public at 6:30 PM, and pre-concert music will start @ 6:40 PM.
- June 6th: Field Day
- June 7th: 8th Grade Recognition @ 10:00 AM in Karcher Gym
- Early Dismissal @ 12:00 PM
- The 2020 8th Grade trip to Washington, D.C. already has 70 students signed up!
- If you need any further information on this great opportunity, or have any questions, please contact Kurt Rummler (Krummler@basd.k12.wi.us)
- Congratulations to Our Karcher Middle School Kiwanis Art Show Participants and Winners:
- Winners:
- Sarah Hartlage: Judges Choice: Food Truck Unit (Orthographic View, Menu & 3D Model)
- Clare Freeburn: Pen & Ink Stippling
- Corrine Graham: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing
- Alaina Avila: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing
- Participants
- Patrick Savaglia: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing
- Food Truck Unit (Menu & 3D Model)
- Sarah Hartlage: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing; Movie Poster
- Jessica Luxem: Mixed Media Exploration
- Clare Freeburn: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing; Tessellated Self Portrait
- Corrine Graham: Colored Pen Texture Drawing; Stippling; Mixed Media Exploration; Clay Night Cat Hightop
- Laney Mangold: Mixed Media Exploration
- Alex Ament: Pencil Hand Drawing
- Gregg Pavlik: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing
- Michael Phillips: 1 Point Perspective Room Drawing
- Kendall Kafar: Clay Rainbow Hightop
- Isabella Dober: Clay Rainbow Shoe
- Genevieve Hauser: Clay Unicorn Shoe
From The Health Room:
- Please see the attachment regarding Athletic Sports Physicals through Aurora Sports Health and mark the dates on your calendar. Sport physicals through Aurora Sports Health on these dates are only $15.00.
- Sport physical examinations taken AFTER April 1 are good for the following TWO SCHOOL YEARS. If you have questions or to schedule an appointment please call Aurora Sports Health in Burlington at: (262) 971-9327.
- Student-Athlete Physical card (English): https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Forms/physicalcard.pdf
- Student-Athlete Physical card (Spanish): https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Health/PPE-form-SPANISH.pdf
- As the school year wraps up, please be aware that any medications in the health office must be picked up by a parent or guardian by June 7th. After June 7th, the medication will be available for pick up at the District Office through the District Nurse. After June 21st, all medications will be disposed of in accordance with health safety guidelines. Medications will not be sent home with a student. Emergency medications (inhalers, epi-pens & glucagon) will be the only exception to this rule. The Karcher Health Office Hours are: 7:00am – 300pm.
- Please remember that if your child requires medication for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year, that a new medication administration consent form will be required before medications can be administered. This is for both over-the-counter and prescription medication. Prescription medication and alternative/complementary forms of treatment do require a MD / PA / NPAP signature. Forms can be downloaded from the District website or picked up in your child’s school office. All morning medications should be administered to the child at home BEFORE they arrive to school. This prevents the need for controlled substance delivery between school and home and ensures that any necessary benefit of the medication is in your child’s system so they are ready to start their 1st hour class upon arrival. Please feel free to contact Jessica Polcyn, Director of Health Services for any questions on medication use in the school (262) 763-0214 ext: 203