Students of the week for
Every week each teacher team (diamond, onyx, hive, silver, and applied academic) selects one student they feel went above and beyond to demonstrate The Karcher Way. These students then are recognized by being our "Students of the week"! Each student is given a KCB (Karcher Character Buck) and their pictures and teacher descriptions are posted in two places within our building. Congrats to our first group of students! We all want to thank you for your leadership and strong character!
Every week each teacher team (diamond, onyx, hive, silver, and applied academic) selects one student they feel went above and beyond to demonstrate The Karcher Way. These students then are recognized by being our "Students of the week"! Each student is given a KCB (Karcher Character Buck) and their pictures and teacher descriptions are posted in two places within our building. Congrats to our first group of students! We all want to thank you for your leadership and strong character!
Diamond House: Zahria Davis
Zahria has gone out of her way on multiple occasions to help her peers and her teachers. Her positive attitude is contagious and she is a great example of the Karcher Way.
Onyx House: Aiden Buss
Aiden is an extremely thoughtful guy. He notices things that need to be done. He goes above and beyond to help out, not for attention or KCBs, just for the sake of being helpful. Aiden, your teachers and classmates appreciate it!
Hive House: Noelle Voegelli
The Hive is proud to select Noelle Voegelli as the student of the week. Noelle demonstrated great responsibility in the classroom as she made solid contributions in discussions. She is extremely respectful towards her peers and teachers.
Silver House: Braden Bienemann (Not Pictured)
Silver House chooses Braden Bienemann as Student of the Week for showing compassion and kindness to his peers. We are impressed with his generosity and awareness of the needs of others.
Applied Academics: Zoe Lipor
Applied Academic teachers chose Zoe Lipor as the student of week based on the time, effort, and energy she brings to Internet and Web Design. She is a positive and kind student who has a great sense of humor.
- Girls Basketball schedule has changed... click HERE to access the updated game schedule.
- If you have questions please contact our coaches:
- Kurt Rummler (
- Brad Ferstenou (
September 21 - Bowling Club starts!
- September 29 - First FNL (Friday Night Live) from 6:00 - 8:00pm!
- FNL provides a great option for students to choose on a Friday night! There will be dodgeball tournaments, concessions, board games, outdoor activities (depending on weather), ping pong, and a few other things for students to do. This is popular for students with around 180 students attending!
- In order to get in there will be permission slips available in the main office with a cost of 2 dollars, or 2 canned goods, or 2 KCBs (Karcher Character Bucks).
- Permission slips will be available to students a week prior.
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) Opportunity for 7th and 8th grade girls!
- The Expanding Your Horizons Conference is a one-day STEM immersion experience dedicated to providing middle school girls with an opportunity to learn more about career options for women in science, technology, engineering, and math.
- This year's conference is on Saturday, November 4th, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Participants will be able to choose multiple areas of interest and experience hands-on workshops led by professional women and college students knowledgeable in the field.
- Enrollment will be on a first-come, first-serve basis, with a limited number of slots available. Registration papers can be returned to the Karcher office, with payment by check made to EYH, or cash, by Friday, October 13th. All permission and releases must be signed before official registration can take place.
- If you have any questions about this optional opportunity, please contact Donna Sturdevant.
7th grade information:
- September 29 - 7th grade School Forest Field Trip
- The buses will leave school at 9:40am and return around 1:00.
- Parents/Guardians interested in chaperoning all students will be bringing home permission slips and on the permission slips there is a place to volunteer to chaperone.
- Questions should be directed to Barb Berezowitz ( or Andrea Hancock (
- Diamond House students:
- House apparel is available to purchase at the following website: if you are interested!
- The last day to purchase is September 19.
- Contact Brad Ferstenou ( with any questions!
Outdoor Education
- There will be a parent informational meeting on September 20 @ 6:00pm in the Karcher library for any 8th grade parents who would like to hear or know more about Outdoor Education.
- This is not mandatory for parents/guardians. The intent is to provide a time for parents to have more background and understanding of Outdoor Education who may want to know more about it.
- The cost of Outdoor Education is 140 dollars.
- Kringle forms will be due back to Karcher on September 22. Students should turn them into their 7th hour teachers.
- The below image is the form:
Note: This meeting will meet right before the Washington DC parent meeting on September 20 @ 7:00pm in the library for those interested in the DC trip.
Pictures from the last week of school! Ending with our Karcher Kickoff day!
Noodle math challenge in Ms. Jorgenson's 7th grade math class.
Students in Ms. Salbrieter's Spanish class practicing and presenting their Spanish skits!
The Karcher Way - Our character education program ending with our Karcher Kickoff day on September 15. What a great community of learners we have!!!
BHS poms team came to participate in our Kickoff day and assisted and then competed with our students in a kick line challenge!
7th grade advisory students showing off their kick line abilities!
8th grading advisory students showing off their kick line abilities!
Karcher Kickoff Day afternoon activities - working to develop and build a team culture!
Students in Ms. Salbrieter's Spanish class practicing and presenting their Spanish skits!
Students in Ms. Pelnar's class making progress on their ceramic pieces!
The Karcher Way - Our character education program ending with our Karcher Kickoff day on September 15. What a great community of learners we have!!!
BHS poms team came to participate in our Kickoff day and assisted and then competed with our students in a kick line challenge!
7th grade advisory students showing off their kick line abilities!
8th grading advisory students showing off their kick line abilities!
8th grade winning advisory for the tug of war challenge - Ms. Sturevant's advisory.
7th grade winning advisory for the tug of war challenge - Mr. Ferstenou's advisory.
Karcher Kickoff Day afternoon activities - working to develop and build a team culture!