Karcher Middle School: School Report Card
Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week". One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses. The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week. All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:
Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.
Student's of the week for
February 20 - February 24
Student's of the week for
February 27 - March 3
Student's of the week for
March 6 - March 10
Student's of the week for
March 13 - March 17
Student's of the week for
March 20 - March 24
February 20 - February 24
- Olivia Henningfield: (Silver)
- Olivia is a quiet leader, always turning in outstanding work and always willing to help others succeed!
- Katie Rummler: (Diamond)
- Katie is a student leader that always gives her best effort in class. She has the respect of her peers as well as staff. She always goes above expectations and is a great example of someone who follows the Karcher Way.
- Riley Brossard: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Riley is a responsible student that works hard inside and outside of the classroom. He is a great representative of someone that always follows the Karcher Way.
- Tanner Sylvester: (Onyx)
- Tanner is a good leader in the classroom. He regularly participates and helps his peers. He also throws a wicked fast ball. Thanks for always being a role model of the Karcher Way.
- Jonathan Brau: (Applied Academics)
- Jonathan has been consistently on task during class, making sure to catch up on his projects. He brings a great sense of humor and attitude to STEM everyday.
- Maxwell Meier: (Hive)
- Maxwell has put forth exceptional effort in his classes. His leadership and cooperation with his peers is tremendous especially in ELA.
Student's of the week for
February 27 - March 3
- Mckayla Hanna: (Onyx)
- Mckayla is a fantastic girl! She has been working hard to stay caught up and is doing a great job putting her best effort forward. She always has a smile on her face which is appreciated by all who know her. Thanks Mckayla and keep up the great work!
- Kylie Staube: (Applied Academics)
- Kylie is a responsible student that regularly participates in class. She is always kind and very helpful to her peers and teachers.
- Gage Taylor: (Diamond)
- Gage is a great example of a student the follows the Karcher Way on a daily basis. He consistently works to his potential in all his classes. He is responsible and respectful to his classmates.
- Bethany Bauerle: (Hive)
- Bethany is doing an awesome job taking responsibility for her work and is displaying am incredibly positive attitude throughout her day.
- Breanna Grissmeyer: (Silver)
- Breanna is a conscientious and dedicated student and we appreciate the extraordinary effort she puts in every day.
- Jasmine Medina Lopez: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Jasmine is a fantastic young lady. She is kind to everyone around her and always has a smile on her face. Thanks Jasmin!
Student's of the week for
March 6 - March 10
- Hunter Brown: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Hunter is respectful towards peers and staff in the classroom.
- Izac Nienhaus: (Applied Academics)
- Izac always puts forth his personal best effort. He is kind, respectful, hardworking, very helpful and regularly volunteers. Thanks for being such an outstanding student and for following the Karcher Way!
- Katelynn Deephouse: (Hive)
- Katelynn is beyond reproach when it comes to her positive attitude towards her classmates, her work, and her teachers. Her kindness, responsibility and compassion make her a stellar member of the Hive.
- Chloe Veensta: (Silver)
- Chloe is kind hearted, conscientious, and adds her quiet sense of humor to everything she does!
- Hasting Koldeway: (Diamond)
- Hasting is a very hard worker. She is always responsible in completing her work. Above all Hasting treats her peers with kindness and respect.
- Breanna Tollstam: (Onyx)
- Breanna is a fantastic young lady who consistently displays and lives the traits of the Karcher Way. Her positive attitude and kindness are appreciated by both teachers and students. Keep up the great work Breanna!
Student's of the week for
March 13 - March 17
- Zachary Wallace: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Zach has great focus in the classroom and works to do his best at all times.
- Ethan Clemens: (Onyx)
- Ethan has been doing a fantastic job! He has had a great attitude and has been working hard in all his classes. He is definitely a great example of the Karcher Way! Thanks Ethan and keep up the great work!
- Peyton Howe: (Diamond)
- Peyton always has a great attitude here at school. He gives his best effort in class and is well respected by both his teachers and his peers. Peyton is a rock solid example of someone who follows the Karcher Way.
- Amelia Anderson: (Hive)
- Amelia is an outstanding leader inside and outside the classroom. Her creative genius was displayed in her immigration project in social studies. She is a genuinely nice young lady.
- Brooke Schenning: (Applied Academics)
- Brooke is strong in athletics and academics alike and is a student who always leads by example! Brooke is responsible inside and outside of the classroom and proves that by having strong work ethic! Brooke is very deserving of the "Karcher Student of the Week."
- Ollie Hoffman: (Silver - Not in Picture)
- Silver House chooses Ollie Hoffman for her sweet smile and personality inside and outside the classroom. We appreciate the energy she brings to each day!
Student's of the week for
March 20 - March 24
- Anthony-James Galgano: (Silver)
- Silver Houses chooses AJ Galgano, he consistently shows kindness and compassion to everyone around him.
- Hailey Hotvedt: (Diamond)
- Hailey exemplifies every aspect of the Karcher Way. She is kind to everyone. She is always willing to help out. She gets to advisory everyday and takes down the chairs for everyone. She is a hard worker and always puts her best effort forward.
- Alexandrea Rich: (Hive)
- Alexandrea has been an exceptional leader on the music video project, being respectful and compassionate in leading others while displaying loyalty to her advisory.
- Sean Neil: (Applied Academic)
- Sean took a leadership role in creating our advisory music video this week. He is always positive and friendly to all.
- Elias Tremmel: (Onyx)
- Elias is a fantastic young man that consistently has a positive attitude, puts forth his best effort, and is kind, caring and decent to all around him. Thanks so much Eli, and keep up the great work!
- Brody Richards: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Brody's bright personality lightens everyone's day. He is always respectful towards people as well as compassionate.
Additional Referendum Information:
7th grade students viewing each advisories character education music videos! Congrats to Ms. Waki's advisory for taking first place and Ms. Hancock's advisory was a close second for 7th grade. In 8th grade Mr. Eckmann's advisory was first place for their acting and Mr. Jones's advisory was first place for demonstrating The Karcher Way!
Students in our new Rube Goldberg Club with Ms. Waki and Ms. Pruszka as their club advisors!!! Students have to create a machine that has 12 steps from start to finish that will end with popping a balloon! They will compete in May against other middle school students.
- School resumes on April 3!
- April 4 - End of term 3.
- Wisconsin Forward Exam testing will take place the week of April 10-April 13.
- 7th grade students are assessed in the areas of math, reading, writing.
- 8th grade students are assessed in the areas of math, reading, writing, science, and social studies.
- April 14 - April 17 - no school.
- April 27 - 8th grade parents interested in assisting with 8th grade recognition we will be holding a meeting in our Karcher library @ 7:00pm. Any parent/guardian interested in assisting is welcome to attend!
- 8th grade recognition will be held on June 9 @ 10:00am with doors opening at 9:15 in our Karcher gym.
- April 24 - Jazz Fest @ 6:40pm @ BHS
- May 4 - Strings Concert @ BHS @ 6:30pm in the auditorium.
Other information:
- Students who are taking the bus home with a friend, and are not regular bus riders, need to bring 50 cents to be included with their permission slip to the main office.
- Track and Field Information: track is around the corner... click on the below two links for information about boys and girls track and field!
- Link: Permission Slip
- Link: Calendar for practices & meets.
- The district will have 3 referendum questions on the April 4, 2017 ballot. Learn more online by clicking HERE.
- Video link: Middle School Challenges Video
- Video link: Athletic Facilities
- Video link: Performing Arts Space & Safety
- Video link: 4K-4 School Space Constraints
- Article Link:
- Article Link: Standard Press
Pictures from the last few weeks!
7th and 8th grade Academic Bowl students.
Burlington 6-8 WON the academic bowl!!!!!!
Burlington 6-8 WON the academic bowl!!!!!!
National Junior Honor Society induction ceremony this past week!
Student Led Conferences the past two weeks!
Book Fair during Student Led Conferences was a hit!
Choir concert grades 5-12 - What a great performance!
Mr. Rummler's advisory collaborating for their character education music video!
Students in Ms. Pruszka's class learning how to create surveys, give surveys, analyze the results, and prepare a presentation of the findings.
Students in Ms. Waki's STEM class peer assessing each other's roller coasters.
And... here are all their roller coasters!
Our Karcher students represented very well at the Kiwanis Burlington Area Art Show as first, second, third, and fourth place were all Karcher Middle School students! Awesome job to all 20 of the students who entered their work in the show!
Below was judges choice!
Ellis Island Simulation in Ms. Rummler's 8th grade social studies class!
The BHS Musical... Mary Poppins - 7 Karcher students participated!
Here was the nice shout out to our Karcher students who participated in the Mary Poppins musical! Word on the street is Stephanie Rummler put this together :)
Students in our new Rube Goldberg Club with Ms. Waki and Ms. Pruszka as their club advisors!!! Students have to create a machine that has 12 steps from start to finish that will end with popping a balloon! They will compete in May against other middle school students.
Students in Ms. Pelnar's class working on 2D architectural perspective drawings.
Students in Ms. Waki's STEM class working through their design process and making adjustments for their trebuchets.
Mr. Sulik's spin on student's reading logs. Students are recording their responses to questions given to them in regard to their independent reading. This is an example as Mr. Sulik asked a few students to share their recording in order for other students to get a sense of how this type of reading log would work!