- March 8 - Track and Field sign up during both lunch periods!
- March 9 - Our Academic Bowl students will be competing at Washington-Caldwell!
- Students will leave at 8:00am and will return around 2:00pm. Any questions contact Wendy Zeman (wzeman@basd.k12.wi.us) or Jeri Nettesheim (jnettesheim@basd.k12.wi.us)
- March 13 - Our choir students have their Sing-a-bration concert in the high school gym @ 7:00pm!
- March 19 - NJHS (National Junior Honor Society) induction ceremony at 6:30pm in the Karcher auditorium.
- March 19 - Lift-a-thon Fundraiser from 2:30 - 4:00 in our KMS weight room.
- This is for all students participating in the weight lifting club. The advisors will get information to the students involved.
- Marcy 26 - March 30 - Spring Break!
- April 2 - School resumes.
- April 5 - End of term 3.
- April 9 - Start of the state required Forward Exam.
- April 17 - 8th grade parent meeting for those interested in assisting with recognition.
- We will meet in the Karcher library at 7:00pm.
- April 20 - Rube Goldberg competition @ WCTC in Waukesha.
- Leaving at 7:55 and returning by 2:15pm.
- Advisors: Eric Sulik (esulik@basd.k12.wi.us) and Mike Yopp (myopp@basd.k12.wi.us)
- April 23 - Half day with student dismissal at 12:00.
- April 23 - BASD Jazz Fest @ 6:40pm in the BHS auditorium.
- May 4 - 6 - Choir Cleveland trip!
- May 17 - Half day with student dismissal at 12:00.
- May 17-18 - Safety Patrol trip to the Dells.
- May 18 - 7th grade Milwaukee Zoo field trip.
- May 28 - Memorial Day Parade in Burlington.
- May 29 - Strings & Band Concert in the Karcher gym.
8th grade recognition information:
- June 8 @ 10:00-11:00am in the Karcher gym.
- Doors for parents/guardians/guests will open at 9:15am.
- After the recognition parents/guardians will be allowed to take their student(s) home. Students can stay and utilize the bus transportation as well.
- There are not tickets required for entrance.
- All 8th grade students are expected to attend school starting at 7:20am on June 8.
- Karcher Track and Field starts April 2 through May 16.
- Practices will be from 2:30 - 4:15 everyday except Wednesdays.
- Students must have an up to date physical on file to participate in practices and meets.
- Click HERE for the track calendar.
- Click HERE for just the meet calendar.
- Click HERE for the track letter.
- Click HERE to access the physical paperwork (yellow).
- Click HERE for an alternate year card (blue).
- Current 8th grade students:
- BHS Fall Cheerleading tryouts will take place on May 1, 3, 8, & 10 at Karcher Middle School from 3:30-5:30 in the Karcher small gym.
Students of the week for 1/8 - 1/12
Diamond House: Molly Berezowitz
Molly is a hard worker who always gives her best effort in class. She always participates and assists with group work. Molly has a great attitude and is a fantastic representative of the Karcher Way!
Onyx House: Thomas Fitch
Thomas has a wonderfully positive attitude all the time. His willingness to ask questions, participate, and help others around him is very much appreciated. He consistently lives up to the Karcher Way. Thanks Thomas and keep up the great work!!
Hive House: Tristan Torstenson
Tristan always seems to be in a great mood as his effervescent personality exudes positivity. He is always an eager participant and shows courage in taking chances in his learning. He did an awesome job at Outdoor Ed, especially with a unique bird incident. It was another feather in his cap.
Silver House: Jaylee Troy
Jaylee Troy is the Silver House choice for Student of the Week because of his positive and accepting attitude! Jaylee is kind to everyone and brings his creative and interesting outlook to every class. We appreciate you!
Applied Academics: Brianna Tollstam
Brianna is a great young lady who is kind to classmates and well-liked for that kindness. She cares about her academic achievement and is always on top of her assignments for class. She is an excellent example of the Karcher Way!
Students of the week for 1/15 - 1/19
Diamond House: James Lukenbill
JR is a leader both inside and out of the classroom. He always gives his best effort and is an active participant in classroom activities. JR is a fantastic example of the Karcher Way!
Onyx House: Patrick Savaglia
Patrick is an even tempered, personable student with a positive outlook. He is always patient with others and collaborates well. His consistent display of the Karcher Way is appreciated.
Hive House: Cheyenne Cole
Cheyenne is a compassionate young lady who is very considerate of others. She continues to do an outstanding job in class and on safety patrol. We appreciate her positive attitude as she demonstrates the Karcher Way!
Silver House: Ashley Smitz
Silver House chooses Ashley Smitz for the tremendous example of character that she displays every day in the classroom and in her extra curriculars. We appreciate the fabulous example that she sets for peers.
Applied Academics: Easton Schue
Easton is always focused on the assigned task, he exhibits positive qualities, he eagerly contributes to class discussions, is kind to all, has an extremely positive spirit, and is just a fantastic young man who consistently models the Karcher way. Thank you Easton and keep up the great work!!
Students of the week for 1/29 - 2/2
Diamond House: Abby Harder
Abby Harder is an incredibly compassionate students towards her peers. She always has a positive attitude and her optimism is contagious. She strives to make the classroom atmosphere a welcoming place for all her peers. Abby is a hard worker and encourages other students to do the same.
Onyx House: Abby Healey
We appreciate Abby for all of her efforts. She is such a creative young lady,who knows how to express her unique perspective in a positive, upbeat, appropriate manner. Thanks for all you do Abby. Keep it up!!
Hive House: Eli Solofra
Eli Solfra, the Hive student of the week, has been an outstanding addition to our Karcher family. He is a quiet leader who pushes for excellence. Eli’s kindness and respect towards all enrich our classrooms and hallways.
Silver House: Jacob Follis
Silver House chooses Jacob Follis for stepping up and showing leadership in the classroom. His work is excellent and his efforts and ideas have helped make his social studies class project a success. He is respected and admired by his peers.
Applied Academics: AJ Ivkovich
AJ Ivkovich. Despite missing school during the last week of the semester, AJ was responsible enough, and mature enough, to personally email his teachers, get his missing work, and complete it on time. He also shows respect for his teachers on a daily basis and has worked hard in his music classes.
Students of the week for 2/5-2/9
Diamond House: Carter Bernau
Carter Bernau brightens everyone’s day. Carter exemplifies the Karcher Way by always being kind to his peers and teachers. Everyday Carter enters advisory say good morning. He has the best manners.
Onyx House: Jesus Herrera
Jesus always has a positive attitude. He is kind to all around him, puts forth good effort everyday and works well with all his peers. Jesus is very conscientious when it comes to having work in on time :) Continue being a great example of the Karcher Way, Jesus.
Hive House: Damian Vazquez
Damian has been responsible with his work completion and continues to grow in his peer relationships as he lives the Karcher Way.
Silver House: Megan Smitz
Megan Smitz is the Silver House Student of the Week. Megan is a true leader and always raises the bar in class discussion. She has an incredible work ethic and is always impressive.
Applied Academics: Jacob Christiansen & Murphy Diggins
Both are extremely responsible with their use of time in class, are willing to keep making improvements on their artwork, wash the back tables regularly & pick up all the extra stools!
Students of the week for 2/12-2/16
Diamond House: Ben Johnson
Ben is always kind and helpful to his peers and teachers. He is very thoughtful and concerned about others. Ben is very responsible and organized by completing his work on time and well.
Onyx House: McKenna Jones
McKenna is consistently positive and polite to everyone. She takes on a leadership role and encourages others to accomplish their goals. On a regular basis she displays character that represents the Karcher Way. Thanks McKenna and keep up the great work!!
Hive House: Wyatt Lawer
Wyatt has made great strides in doing things the Karcher Way. He has reached out to others and worked well in team settings. He continues to excel academically.
Silver House: Ethan Clemens
Ethan is a positive leader in all of his academic classes. He has the respect of his peers and teachers. He has an awesome sense of humor and is always there to lend a hand! We appreciate you, Ethan!! Thanks for helping with the boxes! Absolutely fabulous!
Applied Academics: Ava Thomsen
Ava is always polite, very responsible, and treats other people with respect. She encourages others and always puts forth outstanding effort. She also happens to be a really good volleyball player, who exhibits outstanding sportsmanship qualities while demonstrating the Karcher Way. “Way to go Ava” !!!
Students of the week for 2/19-2/23

Students of the week for 2/19-2/23
Diamond House: Olivia Schenning
Olivia is a quiet leader who always follows the Karcher Way. She always gives her best effort in every class. Olivia shows compassion towards her peers and is willing to help whenever necessary. Keep up the great work Olivia!
Onyx House: Emma Fox
Emma always puts forth a great effort. She is always trying to be the best she can be, no matter what she is doing, she is never afraid to ask questions, and she is kind to all around her. Thanks so much Emma and keep up the great work!
Hive House: Gage Peterson
Gage epitomizes the Karcher Way. He is compassionate towards his peers, respectful at all times, and kind to everyone. His responsibility and work ethic are a model everyone can aspire to. He is a class act.
Silver House: Ashton Hensley
Ashton is an impressive person and a positive leader in many classes. His sense of humor and strong intellectual capability adds life to the room. His ice cream scooping skills are pretty darn amazing, as well! Thanks, Ashton!
Applied Academics: Jacob Lazenby
Jacob Lazenby has set the tone for being focused, trying hard & accepting others into grouping situations. Jacob has tried new things and succeeded. He has helped other students get better and always has a good attitude. He has fun but takes things seriously when he should.
Students of the week for 2/26-3/2
Diamond House: Samantha Wuori
Sam is an awesome young lady that is a great representative of the Karcher Way. She always gives her best effort and is very responsible. The Diamond House teachers never have to “Wuori” about same doing the right thing!!
Onyx House: Isaiah Andrade
Isaiah is exceptionally personable and polite towards all around him, and has recently stepped up his efforts in his work habits and effort. Thanks Isaiah and keep up the great work!
Hive House: Brianna Morris
Brianna has taken on more of a leadership role in our building this year. She continues to also show compassion, respect, and kindness throughout the school. These traits plus her outstanding commitment to academics make her a great pick for the Hive student of the week.
Silver House: Hasting Koldeway
Hasting can always be counted on to be a positive force in a group and she is kind to everyone. She is polite and mature, we appreciate the example she sets wherever she goes.
Applied Academics: Ethan Kieffer
Ethan brings to class leadership based within a solid, positive attitude. His willingness to help, without being asked, is greatly appreciated by all. Keep up the good work!
Our Wrestling team finished their undefeated season as Conference Champions! What a great season for our wrestling program!!!
Boys basketball had a great season!
Students in 8th grade choir composing their own musical pieces!
7th grade science students in Ms. Berezowitz and Ms. Hancock's rooms making observations about how hydra consume food and move!
Mix-It-Up lunch!
Student council/leadership students scoring the Mix-It-Up trivia challenge questions!
Students in STEM, with Mr. Yopp, making final adjustments to their bridges prior to competing.
Students in PE working through circuit training with Mr. Nelson.
Bridge challenge in STEM!
7th grade semester 1 character award winners!
8th grade semester 1 character award winners!
8th grade semester 1 character award winners!
Character assembly!
7th grade science - perch dissection
8th grade science - sheep eye dissection
Girls Volleyball!
String Festival!
Snow cones for KCB rewards!
Our new weight lifting club!
Friday Night Live!
Students in Ms. Geyso's class practicing the power of observation by looking at the details of a crime scene.
Students starting the school store!!! Great job!!!
Mr. Eckmann and our percussion group were asked to perform at a high school basketball game for a half time show AND they did a GREAT job!!! Awesome!
Students collaborating and participating in activities with the HS DRIVEN students focused around Integrity!
Some students in 8th grade are participating in literature circles during iTime!
Student Council/Leadership selling Valentines!
STEM projects where the goal is to utilize at least two simple machines to make a compound machine.
Student choice in Art class with their new ceramic project. Students can use any of the following techniques for their ceramic sculptures: coil, pinch, slab, or free style.
8th grade epic Civil War battle!
Rube Goldberg club in action! We currently have four teams... all hoping to compete in the Middle School Rube Goldberg competition!
Student led conferences!