Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week". One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses. The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week. All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:
Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.
Student's of the week for
March 7 - March 11
- Sara Boarini: (Karcher Bucks)
- Sara puts forth great enthusiasm into her day often showing kindness to her friends.
- Ollie Hoffman: (Applied Academics)
- Ollie is an asset to our PE class! She comes ready to participate and gives her best effort and models all 8 character traits we encourage students to practice!
- Breanna Grissmeyer: (Onyx)
- Breanna displays "The Karcher Way" in everything she does. She shows respect and kindness to everyone she comes in contact with and she shows a great deal of responsibility in regards to her school work by staying caught up, by being organized and by putting her best effort forward.
- David Smitz: (Diamond)
- David has exhibited "The Karcher Way" through his behavior towards his classmates and respect for his teachers. He has been working hard to improve in the area of work completion and has shown a lot of growth this year.
- Katherine Schoop: (Hive)
- Katherine's is very loyal and kind within her contributions in advisory. She also displays responsibility in helping her teachers and her peers.
- Serra Brehm: (Silver)
- Serra's sense of humor and enthusiasm for learning is appreciated by all her teachers!
Student's of the week for
March 14 - March 18
- Ben Rummler (Karcher Bucks)
- Ben is a leader that is consistently willing to help others. He is always responsible and a great role model to others.
- Grant Zelechowski (Applied Academics)
- Grant is always friendly towards others and very respectful to his teachers. He worked very hard in our last Spanish unit that involved stem-changing verbs and did a really good job of tackling a very difficult concept.
- Isvyn Martinez (Hive)
- Isvyn displayed courage this week in advocating for herself and for others.
- Annathea Brenneman (Silver)
- Annathea is helpful, encouraging, and brightens every class she is in with her positive attitude.
- Elizabeth Leon Cruz (Diamond)
- Elizabeth does a great job participating in group work. She truly displays "The Karcher Way."
- Carlie Tipple (Onyx)
- Carlie has shown improved effort, is always willing to help others, and consistently works hard and is polite to others.
- Track & Field starts today, April 4th for the boys and tomorrow, April 5th for the girls. The calendar is noted below.
- If you have any questions email:
- Mike Jones (mjones@basd.k12.wi.us)
- 8th grade parents:
- Students who did not pick up their red writing folders during student led conferences will be given them this week during advisory time. You should expect to see them at home if you do not already have their red folder.
- 8th grade parents:
- 8th grade recognition will be held on June 9 at 10:00am in the Karcher gym. Doors will open at 9:15 for seating. Students are expected to arrive at the normal start time of 7:10am.
- Just a reminder, this is a recognition ceremony highlighting your students transition into the high school. We encourage students to wear casual/nice attire for the ceremony. Please note, all school rules still apply regarding proper dress.
- More information will follow in future blogs.
- Our second 8th grade recognition meeting is scheduled for April 11 @ 6:00pm in the Karcher library. Please join us if you are interested in assisting with recognition.
- The "keepsake" for the 8th graders will be their 1st Demon High School T-Shirt. Click HERE for the order form and/or to provide a donation towards 8th grade recognition to help cover the costs for the event.
- 8th grade parents:
- Summer Survivor, a program to assist students with their high school transition, is being offered from July 11 - July 21, Monday-Thursday from 9:30 - 2:00. A presentation that will be given to students eligible for the program, nominated by our teaching staff, is being held this Friday during 4th hour.
- If you have any questions about the program please call or email Matt Behringer, assistant principal, at 763-0190 or mbehringer@basd.k12.wi.us.
- Summer School information will be provided in the next blog.
- The state required exam that has changed to the Forward Exam will be given at Karcher during the week of April 18th.
- 7th grade: ELA & Math
- 8th grade: ELA, Math, Science, & Social Studies.
- Additional information regarding the Forward Exam can be located at: Forward Exam Information from DPI
- All students will need to have a pair of headphones for the exam. Please make sure your son/daughter brings a pair in on April 16 or 17 in preparation for the exam week. (If you do not have a pair we will supply headphones. We just ask that if you have some to please send your son/daughter with a pair as we do not have enough for all students).
- Silver House field trip to Discovery World will be on April 12. If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Rummler (srummler@basd.k12.wi.us).
- Yearbooks are still for sale for 25 dollars. If you are interested in purchasing a yearbook please make checks out to Karcher Middle School and have your student give the check to their advisory teacher.
- Any questions regarding the yearbook please contact Barb Berezowitz (bberezowitz@basd.k12.wi.us)
- Looking ahead:
- The spring strings concert will be on May 5 @ 6:30pm @ BHS auditorium.
Pictures from the week
Student Led / Parent-Teacher Conferences...
Mr. Stoughton and Sing-A-Bration (Grades 5 - 12)
- What a great performance!
Mrs. Rummler's students participating in an Ellis Island simulation as a culminating activity for the understanding of immigration and past immigration processes.
Ms. Geyso’s students analyzing The Cast of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe and discovering the deeper meaning within the text. The discussion leads the students to develop a theory about the theme of the story which they will support with evidence in a literary analysis.
Ms. Hoffman and Ms. Rummler organized a discussion opportunity for our Silver House students to talk with Robin Vos the week prior to spring break. The focus was the 2016 Election and he shared his unique perspective on the election process, including building a platform, running a campaign, and the upcoming Wisconsin primary.
On Display @ Public Library now till April 8th, then April 10th @ BHS for Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast. April 11th Kiwanis hosts a dinner for award winners at Cotton Exchange.
Out of 29 spots, KMS took 26.
JC Summer Amann - Clay Monster
1st Victoria Vandan - Symmetrical Papercut
2nd Jaedyn Bieniewski - Tempra Batik Door
3rd Selena Casiano Ming - Vase Scratch Art
Chosen for Participation & Display
Saige Helen - Balance Collage
Ashley Rudolf - Reduction Print
Tessa Teberg - Reduction Print
Courtney Hegemann - Balance Collage
Quinn Turke Ming - Vase Scratch Art
Jessica Kauth - Picasso Pet
Jessica Kauth - Textured Hand Drawing
Addie Mangold - Watercolor Landscape
Hannah McMartin - Watercolor Landscape
Leah Beardsley - MC Escher Room
CeCe Donegan - MC Escher Room
Katie Rebollar - Balance Collage
Payton Kretschmer - 2 Pt Perspective City
Jadyn Nadboralski - Still Life Drawing
Minna Brown - Clay Monster
Cheyenne Matson - Clay Monster
Alex Gauger - Lemon Drawing
Alex Gauger - Still Life
Meghan Harris - Balance Collage
Meghan Harris - Op Art Composition
Victoria Vandan - Still Life
Hive House - Discover World field trip!