Karcher Middle School: School Report Card
I am proud to share that Karcher Middle School received the highest of honors on the State Report Card - Significantly Exceeds Expectations!!! We are proud of the growth of our students and the hard work of our staff! Our staff and students truly commit to academic excellence on a daily basis. If you have time, please email your student's teachers thanking them for all of their efforts in providing opportunities and pushing our students academically while infusing strong character education along the way!
- Jill Oelslager
- Monday, December 5: Scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4:00 - 6:00pm.
- Monday, December 5 - Social Media Presentation with Jodi Borchart, Police Liaison for Burlington Area School District.
- The purpose of this meeting is for parents only to attend and gain information related to social media concerns with 7th and 8th grade students.
- There will be two informational meetings taking place:
- 5:00 - 5:45 or 6:00 - 6:45 in the Karcher library.
- Thursday, December 15th - Choir Concert @ 7:00pm @ Karcher Gym.
- Christmas Break begins December 22 with school resuming on January 3.
- 8th grade Outdoor Education is from January 4 - January 6.
- If you have any question please contact Kurt Rummler (Hive House) or Mike Jones (Silver House).
- Mark your calendars... the next Friday Night Live (FNL) will be January 27 from 6:00 - 8:00pm!
Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week". One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses. The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week. All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:
Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.
Student's of the week for
November 28 - December 2
- Ella Braun: (Diamond)
- Ella is a great student that excels inside and out of the classroom. She is a leader that goes out of her way to help her peers. She is a great example how to represent the Karcher Way.
- Emma Lashbrook: ( Silver)
- Emma brings her A game to class every day, she has a positive attitude that brightens up the room and she has some serious silent dance moves.
- Hailey Ball: (Applied Academics)
- Her positive attitude, attentiveness to work, willingness to help others and all the little things she helps with around the Art room to help out shows Hailey is a student that exemplifies the Karcher Way.
- Samantha Dareville: (Onyx)
- Samantha is always an upbeat, polite young lady. She has an exemplary work ethic which is a wonderful model for her peers. Thanks for being a ray of sunshine everyday.
- Zachary Cowan: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Zachary is a super polite young man in his best effort, models responsibility, and is kind to those around him.
- Ryan Brauckhoff: (Hive)
- Ryan approaches all learning opportunities with a positive attitude and is an excellent contributor in group situations.
Student's of the week for
November 14 - November 18
- Christian Hills: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Christian is a willing volunteer in class and is kind to peers and staff.
- Katelynn Deephouse: (Applied Academics)
- Katelynnn is always willing to help both teachers and other students. She is very unselfish and gives of her time and talents willingly. She has even volunteered to learn one of the choir songs on the piano to accompany the choir. Katelynn displays the Karcher Way on a daily basis.
- Ty Kiesler: ( Onyx)
- Ty has done a fantastic job working hard to stay organized. Keep up the great work Ty.
- Joey Berezowitz: (Silver)
- Joey is always willing to include others in discussion within the classroom or in drills on the basketball court. He celebrates other kids successes on the court, and this makes him a great team player.
- Princess Hernandez: (Diamond)
- Princess is a great example of someone who follows the Karcher Way. She is respectful to her teachers and peers. She is responsible in completing her work. She is kind to everyone.
- Alexandria Stevens: (Hive - Not pictured)
- Alexandria consistently displays the "Karcher Way" traits. She is kind and helpful towards her teachers and peers, as well as responsible for working extremely hard and keeping up with her work.
Student's of the week for
Student's of the week
October 31 - November 4
Passing time!
Ms. Hoffman's class in the auditorium learning about the importance of maintaining your flexibility for a healthier lifestyle.
First Orchestra Concert of the school year for grades 5 - 12. It was a very nice performance! Well done :)
Getting ready to head into the auditorium...
Ms. Pelnar's art class - students were working on utilizing warm and cool colors with shading.
The Kringle fundraiser came this past Tuesday... over 8,000 dollars worth of Kringle was purchased! Great job to our 8th grade students who took advantage of this fundraiser to assist with their Outdoor Education payment.
November 7 - November 11
- Charley Bunker: (Applied Academics)
- Charley has stepped up as a leader in her Spanish class this year. She i always pleasant, positive and kind!
- Emily Rausch: ( Silver House)
- Emily is always willing to share her opinions and ideas and is always respectful of the opinions and ideas of others. Her intellectual perspective raises the level of discussion in the classroom.
- Lucas Wittkamp: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Lucas has a great sense of humor and always add an interesting slant to our discussions in class!
- Robert Pike: (Hive)
- Robert is the Hive student of the week. Since joining us from Lake Geneva, he has settled in to be a responsible and respectful Karcher student who is always volunteering in class.
- Ty Sagedal: (Diamond)
- Ty is quiet leader who is always kind to his peers. Ty is an outstanding example to the Karcher Way.
Student's of the week
October 31 - November 4
- Grace Kelly: (Hive)
- The Hive is proud to announce the student of the week is Grace Kelly. Grace is such a respectful and compassionate young lady who displays creativity in her work and responsibility with her actions.
- Ainsley Balfanz: (Silver)
- Ainsley always shows great character in her welcoming attitude towards all students. She is always kind, respectful, helpful, and compassionate to those around her.
- Hailey Ball: (Diamond)
- Hailey exhibits the Karcher Way both in and out of the classroom. She is kind to all her peers and is always willing to help out with anything at anytime.
- Hailey Hotvedt: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Hailey is a great student and a leader inside and out of the classroom. She is respectful to her peers and staff members and a great role model for the Karcher Way.
- Ethan Nienhaus: (Onyx)
- Ethan is a polite young man who is always focused on learning. His contributions to class discussion are always insightful. He sets a mature example of the Karcher Way everyday.
- Cody Benzow: (Applied Academics)
- Cody has raised the bar and is a strong positive leader at Karcher. He exceeds expectations inside and outside of the classroom. Cody is always mindful of the Karcher Way and empowers others by his quiet example!
Student's of the week for
October 24 - October 28
- Mia Lojeski: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Mia has a great attitude about school and is a wonderful friend to many. She is a happy young lady whose smile can brighten anyone's day.
- Kaelyn Davis: (Onyx)
- Kaelyn consistently has a positive attitude and a smile on her face. She shows a great deal of compassion and kindness towards all around her. Keep up the great work Kaelyn and continue being such a great example of the Karcher Way!
- Savannah Schmidt: (Silver)
- Savannah is such a kind and hardworking student. She goes out of her way to help others and we wanted to say thank you!
- Hannah Derosier:(Hive)
- Hannah goes above and beyond in helping her classmates and demonstrating responsibility.
- Zach Cowan: (Elective)
- Zach always puts forth outstanding effort. He treats others respectfully, and he is always volunteering to help. Keep up the good work Zach!
- Noelle Voegeli: (Diamond)
- Noelle is highly regarded among her teachers. She is also extremely hard-working and responsible. She has done an exceptional job in literature circles for ELA. Noelle is an excellent example of the Karcher Way.
Student's of the week for
October 17 - October 21
- Kaylee Ledbetter: (Onyx)
- Kaylee sets a good example of how to advocate for herself when she doesn't know what to do. She has exhibited leadership skills in Science and Math. She is conscientious about her school work. Keep living the Karcher Way!
- McKenzie Plitzuweit: (Applied Academics)
- McKenzie has been helping her fellow peers by being an example they can follow. She shows this by using the Karcher Way being respectful, responsible and kind. McKenzie has been a wonderful student in and outside of the class being a leader that others can follow.
- Grace Clausen: (Silver)
- Grace is kind to everyone and stepped into a leadership role in Social Studies this week. Great job!
- Trinity Zelechowski: (Karcher Character Bucks)
- Trinity respectful interactions with her teachers and responsibility to her learning and work help make her a great success.
- Karol Soto: (Hive)
- Karol has an unparalled positive attitude towards her peers and work. Her sense of humor helps brighten everyone's day.
- Nathaniel Villarreal: (Diamond)
- Nathaniel works very hard and has put put his best foot forward consistently. He is very nice and helpful in class.
Pictures from the last few weeks...
Studio students are working on self portraits that morph into a background. Students chose the kind of paper, drawing materials & image.
Band Concert - 7th grade band, 7/8 Jazz Band, and 8th grade band. It was a GREAT performance - well done students!
First Orchestra Concert of the school year for grades 5 - 12. It was a very nice performance! Well done :)
Getting ready to head into the auditorium...
5th grade ensemble
7th grade ensemble...
8th grade ensemble...
7th grade field trip to the Field Museum! Had a great time!
Ms. Pelnar's art class - students were working on utilizing warm and cool colors with shading.
Students in Ms. Pruszka's class working on increasing their words per minute while competing against classmates.
Students in Ms. Waki's STEM class working through the design process in order to improve their trebuchets with their group members.
Students with Mr. Berezowitz and Officer Jodi Borchart talking about Internet Safety and the impact of social media.
Students in Ms. Sturdevant's and Mr. Sulik's iTime working on ELA intervention/enrichment.
Cool word sort vocabulary activity in 7th grade science!
Music students getting the low down on their fundraiser information.
Parent/Teacher conferences - a few parents loved our format but truly loved their conversations they had with their student's teachers. They said they felt the teachers truly care about their students success! (I would hope so but it is things like this that remind us of the importance of first impressions, etc)
Girls basketball team enjoying some pizza - team building :)))
Friday - Lunchroom mix it up!