Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16th

Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week".  One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses.  The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week.  All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:  

Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.  

Students of the week for:  November 30th - December 4th

(left to right)
  • Emily Rauch (Applied Academics)  
    • She is always respectful, responsible, safe, and kind.  She is a natural leader and has all the qualities that Karcher students should strive for everyday.
  • Dylan Optiz (Diamond)  
    • He always gives his best effort and is kind to his peers.
  • Max Rojo (Onyx)  
    • He has a positive attitude, is always respectful, demonstrates kindness, takes his responsibilities seriously, and consistently puts forth the amount of effort needed to be a successful student.
  • Sephrie Cuevas (Hive)  
    • She always displays kindness by being extra helpful to teachers and classmates.  She seems to always know how to do the right thing!
  • Daniel Needham (Silver)  
    • He shows good character at all times and brings a positive attitude to every class!
  • Bella Gatterer (Karcher Bucks)
    • She displayed courage within the classroom this week!

Students of the week for:  December 7th - December 11th

(left to right)
  • Bridi Allen (Hive)
    • She has demonstrated "The Karcher Way" through her responsibility in assisting with projects and kindness with a speaker donation to the science department.
  • Katie Rebollar (Applied Academics) 
    • She has demonstrated kindness and a positive attitude everyday in class.  She also has been an active and helpful member in her group project in STEM class.  
  • Tessa Teberg (Diamond)
    • She is a student who represents "The Karcher Way" everyday.  She is kind and compassionate to her peers inside and outside the classroom.
  • Cheyanne Hammiller (Onyx)
    • She consistently displays "The Karcher Way" through her actions and attitude.  She goes above and beyond when it comes to being considerate and helpful.
  • Morgan Hannen (Karcher Bucks)
    • She does a great job advocating for herself and taking charge of her academic learning.  She comes to class highly focused and ready to learn.  She always has a positive mindset even when the material may be difficult.
  • Katie Harris (Silver)
    • She is always going above and beyond and shared information about her amazing, historic, Underground Railroad Station house.  
  • December 18th - modified schedule with the afternoon Staff vs. Students basketball game.
  • December 21st - First day of Winter Break.
  • January 4th - School resumes.
  • Our MAP Testing window is from January 4th to January 22rd.
    • Students will be tested in the areas of:  math, reading, and English.  MAP Testing is a series of three tests each school year.  A fall, winter, and spring assessment.
  • January 6th - 8th - Outdoor Education for 8th grade students.
      • Most 8th grade students will be attending the Outdoor Education Event - students not attending Outdoor Education should still be attending school for all three days.  Alternative curriculum will be provided.  
      • Our district Registered Nurses will be attending this outing and will be administering all prescription and non-prescription medications.
      • Non-Prescription Form  AND  Prescription Form  These forms are the medication administration consent forms that are required to accompany any medications your student will be using. Please fill out the appropriate form(s) and have your student return them to the health office.
      • Any prescription medication forms will need a physician’s signature as well as your own.
      • All medications must be in original bottles.
      • Any unused medications will be returned to you when your student returns from their outing.
      • If your student already has medication in the Health Room, it will be sent along to Outdoor Ed then returned to the Health Room.
      • Included is a copy of our district’s medication policy for your reference.
      • Please call Donna Keown at the KMS Health Office at 262-763-0190 with any questions or concerns.
  • FNL (Friday Night Live) on January 15th from 6:00 - 8:00pm.  
    • Students can get into FNL with 4 KCBs, 2 dollars, or 4 canned goods.
    • Please pick up and drop off on Wainwright Street (by the gym)
    • Please be prompt with picking up your student(s) at 8:00 as all staff members involved are volunteer and we need to be cognizant of their time.
  • January 20th will a KCB reward day.  Any students wanting to wear a hat to school will be able to participate by utilizing some of their KCBs.  
  • End of the semester is January 26th.  
    • We will continue to have Thursday school from 2:35 - 3:45 every Thursday in the library to assist students with missing work or access to technology.  Please have conversations with your student(s) about attending if they are in need of support as we approach the end of the semester.
  • No school for students on January 27th - staff in-service day.
Pictures from the week

Mr. Ferstenou's giving his class a demonstration in mummification!

Ms. Waki's STEM class working on their 3D models of their personal home designs with their partners.  

Students in Ms. Pruszka's class working within Garage Band to produce their own personal music.

Students in Ms. Weis's class researching Albert Einstein with the ability for student choice:  create a resume, write a newspaper article, write a book, or bibliography compare/contrast with another scientist.  All taking the lens as if the student WAS Albert Einstein.

Band Concert with Mr. Buendia.  Students in white are 8th grade students and orange are 7th grade.

Students and staff working on a school wide literacy strategy - connections.  

Choir Concert with Mr. Stoughton.  The 7th grade and 8th grade students did a wonderful job... was a very well done performance.  Mr. Stoughton invited past alumni to join the students to sign Silent Night... a tradition he has incorporated into his performances for years!

Wrestling team... having a GREAT season so far!!!  Nice job student athletes and coaches :)

Ms. Berezowitz's science students working on a connections activity to assist with review for their assessment.

Spirit Week Pictures...