Monday, February 15, 2016

February 15th

Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week".  One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses.  The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week.  All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:  

Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.  

Student's of the week for 
January 25th - January 29th
  • Ameila Crabtree (Silver House)  
    • Amelia goes above and beyond and always has a positive attitude.
  • Paige Tello (Diamond) 
    • Paige does a great job following the "The Karcher Way". She is always kind to others, works hard in school, and is very responsible about turning in her homework. 
  • Colton Booth (Onyx) 
    • Colton is an extremely motivated young man. He always turns his work in on time, is a great independent learner, and is participating more in his classes. Keep up the great work Colton!
  • Jennifer Flores (Karcher Bucks) 
    • Jennifer is kind and always willing to lend a helping hand to her classmates.
  • Kaden Blohm (Hive) 
    • Kaden has shown improved responsibility towards his work and his dedication to the classroom - Great job!
  • Ayesha Abbassi (Elective)  - Not pictured
    • Ayesha is always willing to help and eagerly volunteers her time to assist with things in the classroom.

Student's of the week for 
February 1st - February 5th
  • Selena Casiano (Hive)
    • Selena displays a positive attitude consistently throughout the year so far.  She is very kind and leads by example.
  • Summer Amann (Onyx)  
    • Summer is actively engaged in class, personable, and polite.  She is a responsible student council representative for her advisory.
  • Nathaniel Cortez (Diamond)
    • Nathan has been a consistent hard worker this year.  His effort is noticed within his performance in class and on tests.  He is always a productive member within his group and works well with all of his peers.
  • Gian Delgado (Applied Academic)
    • Gian has a great attitude and is always stepping up to help others in his classes.
  • Jacob Klug (Silver)
    • Jacob is a team player and leads by example whether it is on the basketball court, the classroom, or in the hallways.
  • Casey Christiansen (Karcher Bucks)
    • Casey is a hard working student.  She is very responsible for doing her homework and always puts forth 100% effort!

  • Scheduling for the 2016-2017 school year is underway...
    • 7th grade students should have turned in their course request sheets to the library.  From here our academic staff will be making recommendations for each students academic courses for 8th grade. 
    • Current 8th grade students were given their green scheduling sheet for freshmen year.  Each student needs to turn in their selection sheet to the main office ASAP!
    • Mr. Berezowitz will be meeting with each 8th grade student regarding their course selections within the week.  
  • Student Skyward login - students will be receiving their own Skyward login within the next 2 weeks.  This will allow students to check their own grades, food account, schedule, and test scores.   
Upcoming important dates:
  • There is an early release on February 29.
    • The entire school day will consist of service learning where our students will read their children's books they created in advisory to our elementary students at Waller and Cooper. 
    • The other portion of the day students will be working with our DRIVEN leadership students from the high school on the impact of bullying. 
  • 8th grade recognition meeting - March 7 @ 6:00pm in the Karcher library.
    • This meeting is to invite any parent(s)/guardian(s) who are interested in assisting with 8th grade recognition.
  • Band-O-Rama - March 7 @ 7:00pm @ BHS gymnasium
  • March 14 & 22 - Student led conferences AND parent/teacher conferences.
    • Our advisory teachers will be contacting each student's parent(s)/guardian(s) to schedule your conference time.  
    • The scheduled times are 4:00 or 6:00 on both the 14th and 22nd.  
    • In addition to the student led conferences our teaching staff will be available in the library from 4:45-5:45 & 6:45-8:00 to meet with parent(s)/guardian(s) regarding questions or concerns you may have.
  • March 15 - Sing-A-Bration @ 7:00pm @ BHS gymnasium
  • Spring Break begins March 25th and school resumes on April 4th.
  • Hive House field trip is March 24th to Discovery World.  Email Kurt Rummler with questions (
Pictures from the last few weeks...

7th grade girls basketball team being recognized at half time of the varsity girls basketball game - congrats!
 8th grade girls basketball team being recognized at half time of the varsity girls basketball game - congrats!
 Our poms team performing for the varsity girls basketball half time.  Nice job to all the girls and to coach Amanda Thate!

I forgot to include some of the pictures from FNL... so here they are!  Our students loved the dodgeball tournament!

7th grade orchestra...

                                       8th grade orchestra...

8th grade orchestra with Rod Stoughton on guitar and Nick Buendia on drums...

Full 7-12 orchestra...

Ms. Hoffman's students working in groups integrating technology with fitness! 

Ms. Rummler's social studies students working on Rube Goldberg machines to explain historical events.