Wednesday, February 22, 2017

February 20, 2017

Karcher Middle School:  School Report Card

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Karcher Character Students of the Week
Every week five students will be chosen by our staff for "Karcher Character Student of the Week".  One student from every house (Onyx, Diamond, Hive, & Silver) along with one from the applied academic courses.  The 6th student is chosen from the Karcher Character Bucks students receive throughout the week.  All 6 of these students displayed positive character behaviors within our 8 focused traits:  

Be... responsible, respectful, kind, safe, honest, loyal, compassionate, courageous.  

Student's of the week for 
February 13 - February 17

  • Dara Herold: (Silver) 
    • Silver house choose Dara because she is a conscientious student who is always willing to lend a helping hand to others who need it.  We appreciate her positive attitude and bright smile.
  • Kaitlyn Beardsley: (Onyx) 
    • Kaitlyn has continued to show positive growth this year. Her smile, work ethic, and positive attitude are greatly appreciated by her teachers and peers. Keep up the great work Kaitlyn!
  • Tyler Rutkowski: (Karcher Character Bucks) 
    • Tyler treats his teachers and peers with kindness and respect. He has a positive attitude and works well with others. 
  • Drew Stutzman: (Diamond) 
    • Drew is a quiet leader that always puts forth his best effort in every class. He is a great example of a student who always follows the Karcher Way.
  • Cheyanne Hammiller: (Hive) 
    • Cheyanne is an outstanding young lady, She displays leadership throughout our building, including safety patrol. Her responsible work ethic and courage in speaking up in class are admirable.
  • Marissa Post: (Applied Academics) 
    • Marissa is an outstanding student who uses leadership to help her fellow peers succeed.

Student's of the week for
February 6 - February 10
  • Paige Pirocanac: (Diamond) 
    • Paige is kind and respectful to everyone around her. She participates in all her classes and is always on task. Paige represents the Karcher Way. 
  • Kenzie Robinson: (Karcher Character Bucks) 
    • Kenzie is a student that is always kind to others in class and in the hallway. She always has a smile on her face and is excited to learn.  Her enthusiasm is contagious and she does a great job of representing the Karcher Way. 
  • Haley Bryant: (Onyx)   
    • Haley is a wonderful young lady who consistently puts forth her best effort and has such a positive attitude. She often has a kind word or a smile to share with those around her. Thank you Haley, and keep up the great work! 
  • Paige Tello: (Silver) 
    • Paige has a strong sense of responsibility and takes every opportunity to learn all that she can. She is a true asset in every class. 
  • Savanna Schmidt: (Applied Academics) 
    • Savanna for being respectful and responsible by always being so willing to assist with clean up after painting.  She always tackling projects with a smile and a sense of humor. 
  • Cheyenne Hammiller: (Hive)   
    • Cheyenne is the Hive student of the week. Responsibility is a key trait Cheyenne displays with her work on safety patrol and with her school work. She is awesome in group settings with her peers, treating them with empathy and compassion. 

Student's of the week for 
January 30 - February 3
  • Ross Rudich: (Karcher Character Bucks) 
    • Ross displays kind action toward peers and staff while always being respectful. 
  • Marlee Nichols: (Diamond) 
    • Marlee always works hard inside and outside the classroom to be a great student.  She is always kind to those around her.  She is a great example of the Karcher Way. 
  • Dane Iserman: (Silver) 
    • Dane has a great sense of humor and brings a positive attitude to class everyday. We appreciate how you treat others with respect! Thank you! 
  • Ellen Grahm: (Hive) 
    • Ellen is an outstanding leader in our school, demonstrating compassion and responsibility. Her sense of humor and zest for life  enriches everyone here at Karcher. 
  • Hannah McMartin: (Electives) 
    • Hannah is always enthused about her music classes and eager to discuss various musical topics. She is also willing to share her musical talents and help her peers at any time. She always leads by example and is a pleasure to have in class!  
  • Ian Damrow-Blinderman: (Onyx) 
    • Ian is a fantastic young man who daily exhibits the Karcher Way.  Ian consistently has a very helpful attitude and is an extremely honest, considerate, positive young man.  Keep up the great work Ian!

Student's of the week for 
January 23 - January 27
  • Riley Brossard: (Diamond)  
    • Riley has been putting in a great deal of effort this school year!  He has a positive attitude and is always willing to go the extra mile! 
  • Tyler Edwardson: (Onyx)  
    • Tyler is an extremely hard worker who always puts his best effort forward.  Thanks Tyler, and keep up the great work!
  • Leah Beardsley: (Hive) 
    • Leah is an honest and compassionate young lady who pursues excellence in her academic subjects while being kind and considerate of others. She also continues to show courage :)
  • Kaelyn Davis: (Applied Academics) 
    • Kaelyn is a great example of the Karcher Way because she always puts forth her best effort.  She is a kind and conscientious student.
  • Minna Brown: (Silver)  
    • Minna's enthusiasm and tireless effort in class is one to emulate. She goes above and beyond in all classes to achieve her goals!
  • Marissa Escobar: (Karcher Character Bucks) 
    • Marissa is a hard working student that is always engaged in classroom activities. She is a great example of a person that follows the Karcher Way inside and outside of the classroom.

Karcher MAP Results from Winter 2016-2017 
We are well on our way to reaching our Spring MAP Goals!!!  The Karcher Mean is our average score for each grade level where as the National Mean is the average score for the nation. We just took our Winter MAP assessments and our scores are bolded below.  What you see in orange is our goal for our final MAP assessment coming up in the Spring.  
Nice work everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bowling Club will be going bowling on February 23, permission slips can be picked up in the main office!  Students walk from Karcher to the Bowling Alley and parents are asked to pick up at 4:00 at the bowling alley.    
  • March 6 - Band O Rama @ 7:00pm @ BHS gym.  
  • March 13 & March 21 - Student Led Conferences - 4 opportunities will be going on at the same time!  
    • The purpose of student led conferences is for students to have the ability to discuss and articulate what they have learned, discuss what they have been working on, and have the opportunity to formally practice a conference with you! 
    • #1 Student Led Conference
      • Please click HERE to sign up for your student led conference!
      • All student led conferences will be in the library.
    • #2 Parent/Teacher Conference:
      • Teachers will be available before or after your student led conference from 4:00 - 8:00 in their classrooms.
    • #3 Scholastic Book Fair:
      • In our conference room off the library from 4:00 - 8:00.   
    • #4 Referendum Informational Meetings:
      • Meeting times will occur during both student led conference dates (March 13 & March 21) in  the Karcher auditorium with Peter Smet (superintendent) or Connie Zinnen (assistant superintendent)
          • 4:00 - 4:20
          • 5:00 - 5:20
          • 6:00 - 6:20
      • Below are examples of how you could plan your evening:
        • 4:00 student led conference, 5:00 informational referendum meeting, 5:20 on to meet with teachers.  
        • Or... 5:00 informational referendum meeting, 5:30 student led conference, and then 6:30 on to meet with teachers.  
        • A student led conference will take approximately 40-45 minutes.  
  • Additional Referendum Information:
    • The district will have 3 referendum questions on the April 4, 2017 ballot.  Learn more online by clicking HERE
    • Parents and/or community members are invited to attend the Referendum Information Open House on Thursday, March 16 OR Wednesday, March 22 at 7:00pm in the Karcher Middle School library. After a brief presentation, the community can ask questions. Tours of Karcher Middle School will be provided.
Pictures from the week

7th and 8th grade girls volleyball is well on their way!!!  

8th grade students in Ms. Sturdevant's and Ms. Weis's class dissecting sheep eyes!

Students using our new Buddy Bench!

8th grade students working with Mr. Berezowitz on their freshmen course selections and four year plans for BHS.

8th grade students in Ms. Rummler's social studies class conducting their summative Civil War Battle between the north and the south.  Each student has a specific role:  soldiers, general, medics and each side creates a unified plan in order to go about trying to win the war.

8th Grade Character Assembly students for semester one!  

7th Grade Character Assembly students for semester one!
 Character Assembly - 
Students of the week for semester 1!  
Karcher Character Assembly - Family Feud - Staff vs students with the focus being our 8 character traits!

Students working on their student led conference powerpoints during extended advisory time!

Students in Ms. Rummler's social studies class presenting their Civil War projects to the judges!

Students at the leadership conference with Ms. Rummler!

Twin Day captures! 

Ms. Jorgenson's math students working hard collaborating during workshop time!  

Students working with Ms. Zeman on math!

Winter orchestra concert - First two pictures are 7th grade, 2nd two are 8th grade.

Pictures from our Bullying Assembly and the presentation of our Buddy Bench!  Our DRIVEN students from the high school assisted with the event :)  

Bowling club pictures!

Friday Night Live!  Over 130+ students attended!